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Presenter Proposal

If you are interested in presenting or a program at the library, please read through the following information and complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Reasons to program with your library include:

Considerations include:

The library prioritizes programs of an arts, cultural, or humanities nature and programs that encourage civic, digital, and financial literacy and community discourse.

If you are interested in presenting a program with the library, your proposal will reflect these reasons and understand these considerations. The library receives many proposals each year, and therefore is unable to respond to all submissions. If your submission is accepted, a library representative will contact you to discuss next steps.

If you would like to present a program at the Cherry Valley Public Library, please fill out the form below.

If your program meets the Library’s programming guidelines, needs, schedule, and budget, someone will be in contact with you. Planning for library programs is done 6 months prior to each program cycle. Programs must be free to the public. Any materials dropped off are considered a donation. No phone calls please.

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Program Type (check all that apply)
Intended Audience (check all that apply)
In which format(s) can you present your program?