Board of Trustees
The Cherry Valley Public Library District board of trustees are elected to six-year terms. Meetings are scheduled for 6:45pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month and are held in the 21st Century Conference Room at the Cherry Valley Public Library District, 755 E. State Street, Cherry Valley, IL 61016 unless noted otherwise.
The meetings shall be open to the public with 48 hours advance notice given. At the beginning of each fiscal year the board shall specify regular meeting dates and times. The secretary of the board shall then post the schedule of meetings in the library and on library website. Both notices shall have the dates, times, and places of such meetings.
All meetings of the Board of Library Trustees are governed by the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. If a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present as required 3 by OMA, a majority of the board may allow a member of the board to attend the meeting by other means if the member is prevented from physically attending because of: (i) personal illness or disability; (ii) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or (iii) a family or other emergency. “Other means” is by video or audio conference.
Anyone wishing to address the board may do so during Public Comments at regularly scheduled meetings. Speakers must sign in at the meeting prior to the call to order. Each speaker is limited to a maximum of five minutes each and there is a maximum of four speakers. The President may cut off comments which are irrelevant, repetitious, disrespectful, or disruptive. Board members are not obligated to respond to comments from the public.
Board Members | Term Ends | |
Jo Anne Sandman, President | | 2025 |
Ann Marie Jinkins, Secretary | | 2027 |
Donna Riha, Treasurer | | 2029 |
Ken Berger, Trustee | | 2025 |
Michelle Forster, Trustee | | 2029 |
Karen Lane, Trustee | | 2029 |
Karl Schmitt, Trustee | | 2027 |
Contact Sue Stevens, Library Director
Join Our Board
Are you interested in finding a way to serve your community? Do you understand the importance of the mission of public libraries? This volunteer position involves a willingness to represent the public interest in libraries and assist with policy development, financial management, local partnerships and advocacy efforts. Members are elected to 6-year terms. Consider running for a seat next election! For more information, please contact the Library Director.
2025 Meeting Schedule*
- January 28
- February 25
- March 25 (rescheduled to April 1)
- April 22
- May 27
- June 24
- July 22
- August 26
- September 23
- October 28
- November 25
- December 23 (if needed)
*Meeting times and dates are subject to change by Board approval with 48 hours of posted notice.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
2025 Board Meetings
2024 Board Meetings
- November 26, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● November 26, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- October 22, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● October 22, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- September 24, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● September 24, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- August 27, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● August 27, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- July 23, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● July 23, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- June 25, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● June 25, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- May 28, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● May 28, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- April 23, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● April 23, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- March 26, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● March 26, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
- February 27, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● February 27, 2025 Minutes (pdf)
- January 30, 2024 Agenda (pdf) ● January 30, 2024 Minutes (pdf)
Strategic Plan
Vision Statement:
The Cherry Valley Public Library is the heart of our community!
Mission Statement:
A place for everyone to read, learn, create and connect.
Core Values:
Our core values are represented through engaging programs, diverse collections, exceptional services and the latest technologies.

Financial Information & Disclaimers
Cherry Valley Public Library is a district public library. A district is responsible for all of its operations, services, staff, and stewardship of the facility. Our fiscal year runs July 1–June 30. The Library develops a proposed working budget. Drafts of the proposed budget are discussed in a series of Staff and Board meetings. When a final draft is arrived at, the Board approves a working budget.
The legal spending authority is set by the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance, proposed in the fall and adopted after a public hearing. Future dates for these meetings will be available in our Board of Trustees section.
Monthly Financial Statements
- July 2024 (pdf)
- August 2024 (pdf)
- September 2024 (pdf)
- October 2024 (pdf)
- November 2024 (pdf)
- December 2024 (pdf)
July 2024 to December 2024 Cash Receipts and Disbursements Report
Annual Cash Receipts and Disbursements Report 2023-24 (pdf)
Budget, Levy and Appropriations Ordinances
Adopted Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board
- 2% Levy Increase 2024 (pdf)
- Levy Ordinance 2023 (pdf)
- Special Reserve Fund Plan 2024 (pdf)
- Truth in Taxation Certificate 2024 (pdf)
Public Disclosure of Compensated Employees in Excess of $75,000 (pdf)
IMRF Employer Cost & Participation Information
Transparency in Coverage Machine-Readable Files (BCBS)
FOIA Requests
Cherry Valley Public Library District’s FOIA Officer is Sue Stevens, Library Director.
FOIA contact: (foia underscore request)
Business Office hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday-Thursday, and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Friday: excluding holidays.
For information beyond the records available online, please fill out and submit a FOIA request form.
Helpful Information
The Cherry Valley Public Library District serves the community by providing items to borrow, services, and programs to residents of all ages. The library’s website offers 24/7 access to databases, e-content, and the library catalog.
The library’s organizational chart
The total amount of the operating budget for FY24-25 is $1,406,377. Funding sources are property taxes, grants, fines, fees, and donations.
The Cherry Valley Public Library District’s only business office is located at 755 E. State Street, Cherry Valley, IL 61016, 815-332-5161.
The Cherry Valley Public Library District employs approximately the following number of employees: FTE = 5, PTE = 25
The Cherry Valley Public Library Board of Trustees exercises control over the library’s policies. The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:45 PM at the library, 755 E. State Street, Cherry Valley, IL 61016, unless notice is given in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
The library is required to report to and be answerable for operations to: Illinois State Library, Springfield, IL. Its members are State Librarian and Secretary of State, Alexi Giannoulias; Deputy Director of the Illinois State Library, Greg McCormick; and various other staff.
Requesting Information
The public may request the information and records legally available in the following manner:
Use the FOIA request form and/or submit the request in writing in person, via email, U.S. mail, or fax. The request form is preferred, but not required.
Requests should be directed as follows:
FOIA Officer
Cherry Valley Public Library District
755 E. State Street
Cherry Valley, IL 61016
Requestors must indicate if they have a “commercial purpose”.
Requestors must indicate if the information is to be disclosed for inspection or to be copied. If any records are requested to be certified, the requestor must specify which ones.
Reimbursement costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) are as follows:
$1.00 charge for each certification of records.
No charge for first fifty (50) pages of black and white text in letter or legal size.
$0.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of fifty (50) pages.
Actual copying cost of color copies and other sized copies will be charged.
If records are available in an electronic format, they may be requested in a specific format. If feasible, they will be provided in that format. If not, they will be provided in the electronic format in which they are kept or in print as the requester selects.
The office will respond to a written request within five (5) working days, or sooner if possible, or twenty-one (21) working days for requests for a commercial purpose. Note that the library may respond in any manner permitted under the Freedom of Information Act, including by indicating that it: (a) requires additional time to fulfill a request; (b) needs to discuss a reduction in the scope of the request with the requestor; or (c) is denying the request.
Records may be inspected and/or copied. If inspected, a Cherry Valley Public Library District employee must be present throughout the inspection.
The place and times when the records are available are as follows:
9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday-Thursday, and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Friday: excluding holidays at Cherry Valley Public Library District, 755 East State St. Cherry Valley, IL 61016
Types of Records
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Annual Receipts and Disbursements Reports
- Budget, Levy, and Appropriation Ordinances
- Operating Budgets
- Annual Audits
- Minutes of the Board of Trustees
- Library Policies
- Adopted Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board
Please note that certain types of information maintained by the library are exempt from inspection and copying. Pursuant to Illinois law (5 ILCS 120/7.3), a certified list of employees whose salary and benefit packages are $75,000 or greater is available for inspection at the Cherry Valley Public Library District, 755 E. State Street, Cherry Valley, IL. For more information on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, see the Illinois Attorney General’s website.
Patron Policies – Code of Conduct
Patron Code of Conduct
The Cherry Valley Public Library is dedicated to providing access to knowledge and information through reading, writing, and quiet contemplation, providing patrons the right to use materials and services without being disturbed or impeded, and providing patrons and employees a secure and comfortable environment. The Public Library Act provides the Library Board of Trustees with the general power to carry out the spirit and intent of the Act in establishing and maintaining the library and providing library services and the specific power to “exclude from the use of the library any person who willfully violates an ordinance or regulation prescribed.”
The Library Board of Trustees of the Cherry Valley Public Library establishes its conduct policy as follows:
- Patrons must dress appropriately and wear shoes at all times.
- Conversations (in person and via phone) and other noises must not disturb others.
- Behaviors must not obstruct, threaten, or harass patrons or staff.
- Drinks with lids are allowed in the library. Food is not allowed in public areas of the library.
- Smoking and/or use of any tobacco products is not allowed in accordance with the library’s “Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus” policy.
- Prolonged or habitual sleeping is not allowed on library property.
- Heavily-fragranced patrons and those with offensive body odor may be asked to leave.
- Bathing, shaving, laundering, and other improper use of restrooms is not allowed.
- In accordance with the “Unattended Children Policy”, children under the age of nine must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver.
- Weapons are not permitted in the library except those carried by authorized law enforcement personnel; and in accordance with Public Act 098-0063, the public library remains a prohibited site for the purposes of concealed carry.
- Furnishings, materials, and equipment should be used for their intended function and in a manner that does not interfere with other’s use and enjoyment.
- Only authorized service animals and those included in library programs are allowed in the building.
- The consumption or possession of alcohol on library property is prohibited unless permitted for a special event. Persons exhibiting signs of intoxication or substance abuse will be asked to leave.
- Personal belongings must be attended at all times. Responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged items rests with the owner.
- Rollerblades and skates are not permitted in the library.
- Bicycles and other vehicles must be parked in a manner that does not block or hinder entry to the library or garbage dumpsters.
- Skateboarding is not permitted on library property.
- Conduct which is disruptive to the operation of the library or threatening to patrons, staff, or library property is not allowed.
A patron who engages in any activity identified above or deemed inappropriate by library staff shall cease such activity immediately upon request by library personnel.
If, following a request, the patron fails or refuses to comply or responds to the request in an abusive fashion, he or she will be required to leave the library premises immediately for the balance of that calendar day. If he/she fails to leave, the police will be summoned.
Library personnel will record instances in which patrons are required to leave the library by filling out an incident report and emailing a copy to the Director.
If possible, parents or guardians of minors will be notified in writing if a minor is required to leave the library and advised of the consequences of any further recorded instances.
Depending on the frequency and severity of the issue, the Director may ban the patron from the library for a period of time. The Director will require that the patron make an appointment with him/her and/or the Library Board of Trustees in order to discuss the patron’s plan for demonstrating more appropriate behavior before the ban is lifted.
Patrons wishing to appeal a ban from the library may do so upon written request to the Library Board of Trustees.
In the event a patron barred from the use of the library attempts entry to the library during any such period of exclusion, the police will be summoned.
Patron Policies – Computer & WiFi Usage
Computer & WiFi Use Policy
Computer use and wi-fi access is offered with these acceptable use guidelines:
- Visitors with an Illinois public library card may use a library computer for free.
- Free wi-fi is available throughout the library building and 24/7 in the parking lot.
- Users must comply with all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning copyright, fraud, privacy, or obscenity. Any illegal or illicit activity is strictly forbidden.
- The Library cannot control the quality of the information available through the Internet and is not responsible for the accuracy, or completeness of it. Users are encouraged to carefully evaluate the material found on the Internet.
- The Library assumes no liability for any damage or injury arising from the use of the Internet or its resources.
- Library staff will assist patrons with computer use as time and staff knowledge permits.
- Parents or caregivers are responsible for monitoring and supervising their children’s computer use.
- Printing is available from both the library computers and remotely for a nominal fee.
- Users may not add, delete, or modify the equipment or programs in any way.
- Computer use is limited to 60 minutes per user. However, if additional time is requested, a staff member may grant a 30-minute extension depending on availability.
Failure to comply with any of these guidelines will be dealt with in accordance with the Patron Conduct Policy. (See above)
Patron Policies – Unattended Children
Unattended Children Policy
Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while they are in the library. The Cherry Valley Public Library staff is committed to helping children with activities related to the library. However, Library staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility to serve as baby-sitters, teachers, or disciplinarians. Violations of this policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges. Whenever advisable, the library will notify the parent of incidents involving an unattended child.
Children under the age of nine must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver. When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt, or the parent or responsible caregiver cannot be located, or if the library is closing, Library staff is authorized to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.
From time to time, the Cherry Valley Public Library schedules or provides programs which are designed and suitable for attendance by children without parental supervision. Such program announcements will so indicate, and if no indication is included, then supervision is required. When so indicated, if the parent or caregiver intends to be absent, they must leave word at the circulation desk as to their whereabouts and, if possible, a phone number where they or a responsible adult can be contacted.
Children over the age of nine may use the library unattended by an adult, subject to other Library rules and policies concerning behavior, conduct, and demeanor.
In the event a young person is still at the library 15 minutes after the library closes to the public, the police will be called to pick up the young person. Attempts will be made during those 15 minutes to reach parents, but in no instance will staff take young people home.
Criteria for Item Selection, Replacement, and Withdrawal
Cherry Valley Public Library District policy directs that the selection of library materials be made on the basis of their value to interest, enlighten, and inform residents of the district. Selection of materials is based on the library patrons’ right to read and their freedom from censorship by others. The library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but instead on the merits of the work in relation to the collection and to serving the interest and needs of the patrons. The addition of an item to the collection does not represent an endorsement by the Board of Trustees or the Library staff of any theory, idea, or policy contained in it.
Professional experience and judgement when selecting items includes considering factors such as literary value, professional reviews, factual accuracy, reading and grade level, target audience, relation of the item to the existing collection, item demand, publishing trends, cost, currency, availability through other libraries, duplication, and item inclusion on standard recommended lists. The maturity of the theme/topic is also relevant to the selection of materials for youth and teens. For non-print items, variables such as hardware/software requirements, ease of use, and licensing restrictions will be considered as well.
Maintenance of the library collection is achieved by retaining or replacing essential materials and by systematic and continuous removal of those works that are worn, outdated, of little historical significance, or no longer in demand. Materials which are removed from the library collection may be given to the Friends of the Cherry Valley Public Library for used book sales, donated to other libraries, educational or non-profit organizations, or recycled. While the Library strives to represent the community and divergent viewpoints, it is limited by facility size and budget and cannot be all things to all people. Additional factors limiting selection of material may include the availability of specialized material at other accessible libraries and suitability of format for library purposes.